Benefits of Dance

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We LOVE dance.  We love it in a dance-down-the-aisles-of-the-grocery-store-because-it-makes-your-heart-happy sort of way.  We love doing it just to do it.  But did you know there are other benefits to taking a dance class?  It’s like finding out scones dripping in honey butter are actually good for you.  In addition to FUN, dancers enjoy these other benefits:

Improved Classroom Behavior

For a lot of younger dancers (ages 2-5) dance class is their first introduction to a formal classroom setting.  They learn about keeping their hands to themselves,  following a teacher’s instructions and taking turns with other classmates.

Helps Kids And Teens to “Come Out Of Their Shells”

Some kids are naturally more shy than others and it seems like everyone goes through an awkward phase at some point in their lives.  Dancers regularly perform in front of others both on stage and more informally in the classroom.  In dance class everyone takes a turn being the one  who is “on,” everyone messes up sometimes, and everyone has their moments of brilliance.  Because we are all in the same boat, dancers have a safe and supportive environment where they learn to be more comfortable with the spotlight shining on them.

Gain Confidence

Dancing gives kids and teens increased confidence.  Not the “confidence” that comes from constantly being praised or winning at everything.  Some things in dance are hard.  Your dancer won’t be able to do them right at first – and that’s great.  Dancers develop real, lasting confidence as they see themselves overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.  There is something magical about working hard until you can do something you couldn’t do before.

PMP_4414-EditDance gives students better posture, better flexibility, and helps keep them at a healthy weight.  Having an active lifestyle is a habit that should start young and continue throughout life.

Cognitive Benefits

Even from age two dancers start working on recognizing patterns and following multi step instructions.  As they get older, dancers incorporate more math into their dancing using simple division and fractions without even realizing it.  Dancers become more kinesthetically intelligent and also better at using their left and right brains together.


With all of the time we spend on computers and phones these days, our attention spans are on the decline.  Spending time free of media helps us develop the ability to stay focused on a task.  In dance, phones are put away and our bodies and minds are completely engaged.  This helps dancer build their focus and ability to concentrate.