Big Winners at Our Pre-Season Competition

After years of working hard, supporting her teammates and gracefully watching her friends win, look who brought home the big trophy! I cried, her mom cried, her choreographer cried, really, we all cried. We could not be more PROUD. But that’s not the only excitement…

We got a head start on our competition season this weekend.  While Releve’s Riverton competition was not officially on our books, a handful of our soloists added it on as an extra opportunity to compete.

These girls, and their moms had a blast putting their new solos on stage for the 2021 season, cheering each other on, and all of the hilarity that happened in between.

We had FIVE dancers in the overall awards!  Miss Evie, in her very first solo ever took the High Point Petite Novice Jazz!  Her trophy is so much taller than she is.  Vera, also in her first solo ever, won Mini Novice Second Attendant with her jazz solo.  Evyn won Junior Novice Overall Queen!  Presley brought home Senior Elite Third Attendant and June won Teen Competitive Overall Queen!

The quote of the night came from cute little miss Evie: “I’ve never won a trophy like THAT before!”

We also had a duet compete.  Presley and Abby took High Pointe White Diamond with their fierce Hip Hop duet!

On top of getting to perform, all of our dancers also got to take two master classes.  They did a Contemporary dance class with Audrey Parker from Odyssey Dance Theater and a Hip Hop class with Jason Pickett who’s performed live in time square for Toys R Us.  Ila stood out in the Hip Hop class when everyone else forgot the choreography and she was the only one who kept dancing.  Jason even cheered her on!  She received a $50 gift card for being a stand out dancer in that class.

Full results from Releve Solo Competition in Riverton:

  • Presley and Abby – High Point White Diamond
  • Everly – Petite Novice High Point Queen
  • Vera – Mini Novice 2nd Attendant
  • Ila – White Diamond
  • Evyn – Junior Novice High Point Queen
  • Abby – White Diamond
  • June – Teen Competitive High Point Queen
  • Chalese – Blue Diamond
  • Presley – Senior Elite Third Attendant