Detailed Schedule for St. George Competition

Here’s the plan for St. George.  The competition is being held at Desert Hills High School (828 E. Desert Hills Dr.)  This is different from past years – do not go to Dixie High School, you will be at the wrong competition!


Admission is free, so if you get in early on Friday and don’t have plans it would be awesome of you to come support our soloist that are performing that day.
Soloists (and duets) should arrive at least one hour before they are scheduled to perform.  Doors will open at 3:30. We will turn in your music for you, but you should always have an extra copy with you just in case.  Arrive in your costume with your Dance Concepts warm ups over the top.  When you get there look for our group.  We’ll either be warming up and stretching or else in the auditorium if someone is scheduled to perform soon.
At 7:00 on Friday they will hold the award ceremony for Lili’s solo and for all of the Duets/Trios.  The awards for the rest of the solos will be at 9:30.


When you arrive at the competition there will be a table set up which sells programs for the day.  Go there to find out where our dressing room is.  You should also register for the free master class there.

Mini Team:

There is a free master class from 9:00-10:30 with Brandon Bryant from So You Think You Can Dance.  You are invited, but not required to attend.  You should do your hair and makeup before the class, but just wear regular dance clothes, not your costume.
At 10:30 all dancers for Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend should report to our dressing room.  If you did not do the master class you should already be in costume with your hair and makeup done.  If you participated in the master class we will give you a few minutes to get your costume on and touch up your makeup as needed.  Julie will then run the dance a few times with the girls to get it fresh in their heads.  She will take them backstage and mom’s should head to the audience to cheer them on.
After you perform grab a quick bite to eat.  We would like you to be back to the competition by 1:15 to cheer on our other dances.  From 1:15-2:30 we have 4 other dances performing that you should be there to support.  Your award ceremony is at 3:00.  After awards you can be excused.  If you want to stay and watch our other dances that is fantastic, but we don’t want to make to day too long for our little guys.

Level 3:

There is a free master class from 9:00-10:30 with Brandon Bryant from So You Think You Can Dance.  Everyone from Level 3 should attend this class.  If you’ve never done a master class before this is a great, low pressure, first experience.  Dress like you would for a jazz class.  You need to register and get a wrist band in advance.  Look for a table set up for registration.
After this class head back to the dressing room and start getting ready for “It’s About that Walk.”  You should have your hair and makeup done by 11:00 but can stay in your warmups.  We’ll then go watch “Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend.”  After Diamonds performs head back to the dressing room, get warm and stretched and change into your costume.  You should be in the dressing room completely ready to go at 12:15.
After “It’s About That Walk” head back to the dressing room and get set for “Sounds of Summer.”  You are not allowed to leave the school for lunch in between these two dances.  Please plan on bringing something with you or having a parent go pick something up and bring it back.  Change quickly so you can be in the audience (with warmups over your costumes!) for our 2:00 dances.
After “Sounds of Summer” go back to the dressing room and change into your warm ups for your award ceremony at 3:00.  When your awards are over, please stay at support “The Cave” since they will be on soon after.  If you stay for the final two dances then you get a gold star and extra love.

Levels 4 and 5:

You should all attend the advanced master class from 11:00-12:30. Even though it is free you need to register and get a wristband from the check in table.  Dress to impress and get noticed  Do not wear your warm ups or t-shirts.  Afterward, everyone should head to the dressing room to get ready for “Feel Good Time” and “Glukoza Nostra.”  Pay attention to what’s going on and please be in the auditorium when “It’s About That Walk” goes on.  They are scheduled for 1:15.  As soon as they are done we need to quickly get together for warmup and running dances.
When you finish your Jazz dance you should head into the auditorium (not back to the dressing room) to watch the next couple dances.  “Glukoza” you will need to watch “Feel Good” from backstage since you are just 2 number after them.  “Feel Good” you will need to HURRY to the audience in order to see “Gukoza.” “Sounds of Summer” is about 5 dances after Glukoza.
After “Sounds of Summer” head back to the dressing room and get ready for “The Cave.”  This is your time to eat but you’ll need to bring food in.  Do not leave the school if you are in “The Cave.”
Attend the 3:00 awards ceremony-dressed and ready for The Cave with warmups on.
After “The Cave” we have a pretty quick, but not stressful quick, turn around into “Mid Summer Serenade” and “The Flock.”  You should be able to watch each other from the audience but will need to be in costume and ready with warm ups over.
For awards, as we understand it, your diamond placements for Glukoza and Feel Good Time will be in the 3:00 ceremony so you should be there for that. The overalls for all of your dances and the diamond placements for contemporary and ballet will be in the 6:30 award ceremony.


The schedule for the day is tight.  Please don’t forget to eat.  Either bring food in with you, buy from the competition or plan on having a parent make a food run.  Dancers should not leave until they are done for the day-there just isn’t a big enough gap in the schedule.
It appears that all dances are in the auditorium.  Master classes are in the gym.  We’re not sure where awards are being held so you’ll need to ask around the dressing room the day of the competition.
After the 6:30 award ceremony the tentative plan it to grab take-out and go eat by the pool so the kids can have some swim time, for this the best intex pools are perfect for this, find the complete guide in here for this.
.  The older girls are also looking at going to a 10:00 showing of Hunger Games (rated PG-13).  We’ll talk more about this in the parent meeting on Tuesday.

Finally, some basic rules we all follow:

  • Your costume is only meant to be seen on stage.  Any other time (when you’re in the audience, hall ways, and award ceremonies) you should have your warm ups on.
  • No swimming until you are done dancing for the weekend.
  • Do not enter, exit, or walk around during another dance.  Wait until a dance finishes before moving.
  • Do not talk badly about other studios or dancers.  You never know who’s around the corner.