Step Up Competition

Our first competition of the season is in the books!  Our team attended Step Up last Saturday.

The day started out with soloists.  We had a one first time soloist, Alexa who performed Half Light.  One of my favorite moments of the morning was watching 15 of her teammates race across the backstage area as soon as she finished her dance to maul her with hugs.  I love watching our soloists support and encourage each other.Well being dancer is sign that there is more flexibility in a body, Many dancers used to do Certificate IV Pilates Instructor Training Course and start their own coaching center as well.

We had three big overall winner come out of our soloists!  Abby won 1st Overall Beginning with Phoenix Rising, choreographed by Julie Edison.  Ila took 3rd overall Beginning 2 with Ding Dong The Witch is Dead, choreographed by Kalli Parkin, and Presley took 1st Overall Beginning 2 with Nightmare Recall, choreographed by Julie Edison.

Solo Results:

  • Izzy – 1st Place
  • Mona – 1st Place
  • Betsy – 2nd Place, Superior Showmanship
  • Lexi – 2nd Place
  • Kamryn – 2nd Place
  • Kate – 1st Place, Superior Costume
  • Kaelynne – 3rd Place
  • Jaidyn – 1st Place, Superior Showmanship
  • Ila – 1st Place, Superior Technique, Superior Costume, Superior Choreography, 3rd Overall Beginning 2 Soloist
  • Piper – 1st Place
  • Evyn – 2nd Place
  • Chalese – 2nd Place, Superior Showmanship
  • Abby – 1st Place, 1st Overall Beginning Soloist
  • June – 1st Place
  • Makena – 2nd Place
  • Callie – 2nd Place
  • Vienna – 3rd Place
  • Presley – 1st Place
  • Alexa – 3rd Place
  • Matilda – 2nd Place

Then it was time for groups!

Days earlier, Kaelynn had tweaked her back at work.  She was in a lot of pain all day Saturday and it was touch and go whether she was going to dance.  She decided she wanted to perform, so right before Senior Elite went on stage, they changed a throw in It’s Not That Serious so it wouldn’t require Kaelynn.  As they caught Matilda with the new people in place, Kamryn and Betsy banged heads hard enough to put Betsy on the floor seeing stars.  Now, right before they went on stage (like RIGHT before) they changed it once again to be just a lift.  After doing it once with counts, they walked directly on stage.  Their walk on was a mess, but as soon as the music started they performed like pros!

Plan C – the lift that finally made it on stage

We just got our judges critiques today, and I have to tell you my favorite thing.  In one of them, you can hear two judges talking to each other as we’re walking on stage.  They haven’t started judging yet, they’re just having a conversation:

First Judge:  “…I’m sure it will be.  They always have such interesting… their name is perfect, Dance Concepts, they always have conceptual pieces, I love it”  

Second judge:  “Yes they do”

To overhear judges talking to each other about us like that just makes me so proud…. and that was BEFORE they saw Sandman!

Sandman ended taking First Overall Intermediate dance.  The judges loved it.

Judges loved this costumes

We also received Superior Technique for Waves of Cadence and  Superior Costume for This is How We Do.

Two of our dances were awarded Superior Choreography:  Waves of Cadence, choreographed by Ali Hyde and Blinding choreographed by Allie Gilson.

Blinding – 1st Place, Superior Choreography

Group Results:

  • What’s A Girl Got to Do – 4th Place
  • Kill of the Night – 2nd Place
  • Rebellion – 1st Place
  • Hard Times – 3rd Place
  • Not That Serious – 1st Place
  • This is How We Do – 2nd Place, Superior Costume
  • Going Bad – 2nd Place
  • Blinding – 1st Place, Superior Choreography
  • Behind Boo’s Door – 3rd Place
  • White Flag – 2nd Place
  • Waves of Cadence – 1st Place, Superior Technique, Superior Choreography
  • Punches – 2nd Place
  • Masked – 1st Place
  • Sandman – 1st Place, 1st Place Overall Intermediate Dance
Waves of Cadence – 1st Place, Superior Choreography, Superior Technique